Fueling For Recovery

Fuel your Recovery
Fuel your Life

Evidence-based nutrition that encourages healing and honors your sport

Treatment for Eating Disorders and Athletes

We’re a team of Registered Dietitians who are trained to provide trauma-informed nutrition care and strongly believe in a client-centered approach.

Role Of The Treatment Team

Fueling For Recovery is a team of registered dieticians who strongly believe that sports performance doesn’t have to come at a cost to your mental health or physical health. Too often, athletes fear seeking support for their disordered eating or eating disorder as they don’t want to give up their sport. You don’t have to sacrifice your sport or your health – You can have both!


We collaborate with psychologists, medical doctors, coaches and other professionals to ensure that you have an approach tailored to your needs and your reality. 


Our Areas Of Expertise

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Eating Disorders

Nutrition counseling for eating disorders incorporates trauma-informed care, therapeutic approaches and counseling techniques in order to provide a space where individuals can better understand how their experiences, their perceptions and their coping impact their relationship with food and their body.

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Disordered Eating and Dieting

Practicing through a lens of inclusivity and Health at Every Size Approach ⓒ, we believe in focusing on all aspects of health and wellness beyond weight. We welcome individuals who have been at war with food and their bodies and seeking to better understand the root of this and heal.

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Nutrition for Sports Performance

Appropriate nutrition that it tailored to an athlete's sport, training cycle and competition is as important as practicing their sport. Fueling for Recovery offers nutrition education and nutrition counseling tailored to each athlete's reality to ensure that nutrition is optimized to meet training demands.

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Underfueling and RED-S

Underfueling can have drastic consequences on an athlete's physical, mental and emotional health. It is imperative that athletes understand their bodies needs and explore the barriers to appropriate fueling.

Celebrating people of all colors, sexes, genders and body sizes through inclusive care.


Dietitians who believe in performance without restriction

Jamie Lee

Registered Dietitian

Vanessa Anoia

Registered Dietitian

Stefanie Rosser

Registered Dietitian

Annyck Besso

Registered Dietitian

Elsa Chu

Registered Dietitian

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